Apple WWDC 2015 Keynote Liveblog
by Ryan Smith & Brandon Chester on June 8, 2015 12:45 PM EST- Posted in
- Apple
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- Trade Shows
- WWDC 2015

03:24PM EDT - Now thats a wrap
03:20PM EDT - After a performance by The Weekend
03:19PM EDT - And that's a wrap. We're going to go see the rest of the conference
03:19PM EDT - Very Beats 1-centric
03:17PM EDT - Apple Musc ad rolling
03:17PM EDT - Back to Tim
03:17PM EDT - Covers up to 6 accounts
03:17PM EDT - Family accounts for $14.99
03:17PM EDT - First 3 months are free
03:16PM EDT - $9.99/month
03:16PM EDT - iOS, Windows, and late this fall Android
03:16PM EDT - Launching in 100+ countries later this month
03:15PM EDT - And that is Apple Music
03:15PM EDT - (Siri picked the wrong Selma the first time)
03:14PM EDT - Including historial charts
03:14PM EDT - Able to play from the top song charts
03:13PM EDT - Demoing Siri's music abilities
03:10PM EDT - Demo reel
03:10PM EDT - Beats 1
03:09PM EDT - HD Music Videos as well. Ad-free
03:09PM EDT - Charts, latest singles, etc
03:09PM EDT - Continuing to demo music
03:07PM EDT - Showing music recommendations
03:06PM EDT - Custom playlist artwork
03:06PM EDT - Accessing other works from the playing artist
03:04PM EDT - Showing the new UI for the music app
03:04PM EDT - Demo time
03:04PM EDT - Happy birthday for Phil Schiller
03:04PM EDT - Drake has left the stage. Back to Eddy
03:01PM EDT - Now on stage: Drake
03:00PM EDT - Artists can post material (pictures, text, etc) as they see fit
03:00PM EDT - Looks very Twitter-ish
03:00PM EDT - Artist Connect
02:59PM EDT - Broadcast from NYC, LA, and London
02:58PM EDT - Radio station: Beats 1
02:56PM EDT - Recommendations made by real people
02:56PM EDT - For You, recommended music
02:56PM EDT - My Music, can search and stream the iTunes library
02:55PM EDT - Now on stage: Eddy Cue
02:54PM EDT - 3) Connecting fans with artists
02:53PM EDT - 2) 24/7 radio station
02:53PM EDT - Algorithms aren't good enough, need a human touch
02:52PM EDT - Apple music is 3 things: Revolutionary music service (got an unexpected laugh from the audience)
02:52PM EDT - "All the ways you love music. All in one place"
02:51PM EDT - (This presumably is what Apple wanted Beats for)
02:51PM EDT - Apple launching their own online 24 hour radio station
02:50PM EDT - iTunes Radio reborn
02:49PM EDT - Another video
02:49PM EDT - Listing all of the different streaming services
02:48PM EDT - "2015, music industry is a fragmented mess"
02:47PM EDT - Now on stage: Jimmy Iovine
02:46PM EDT - "The next chapter in musc"
02:46PM EDT - Apple Music
02:46PM EDT - (Mild irony here. Apple's original settlement with Apple Records/The Beatles was that they had to stay away from music)
02:45PM EDT - Starting iwith a video on the history of music
02:45PM EDT - Music
02:44PM EDT - One more thing
02:44PM EDT - Recapping the OS announcements
02:44PM EDT - Tim's back
02:43PM EDT - Releases this fall
02:43PM EDT - WatchOS 2 dev beta today
02:43PM EDT - (I'm curious what the battery life hit will be from some of these features)
02:42PM EDT - Digital crown usage
02:42PM EDT - Time travel, email reply
02:38PM EDT - Demo time
02:38PM EDT - And of course, Digital Crown acess
02:38PM EDT - Taptic engine control
02:37PM EDT - Devs can also access the accelerometer
02:37PM EDT - Native HomeKit support
02:37PM EDT - Short video on the Watch
02:36PM EDT - Devs can now access Watch microphone and speaker
02:36PM EDT - Apps can use WiFi
02:36PM EDT - Native apps mean all UI and logic is on the Watch
02:35PM EDT - Discussing WatchKit and how the logic runs on the phone
02:35PM EDT - Now for developer WatchOS news
02:35PM EDT - Watch/Sii also gets HomeKit control
02:34PM EDT - And Transit support
02:34PM EDT - Watch gets Wallet, of course
02:33PM EDT - Achievements
02:33PM EDT - Siri is getting workout support
02:33PM EDT - Fitness apps can run natively on the watch
02:32PM EDT - Facetime Audio support coming
02:32PM EDT - Reply to email from Watch
02:32PM EDT - Now can have groups of friends
02:31PM EDT - Communication update
02:31PM EDT - Nightstand clock mode when it's on its side charging
02:31PM EDT - Nightstand mode
02:31PM EDT - "Flux Capacitor sold seperately"
02:30PM EDT - Show past/future calendar appointments, etc
02:30PM EDT - Time Travel: look at inforation forward and backward in time
02:29PM EDT - Complications are additional bits of information from other apps
02:29PM EDT - App developers can now make their own compliations
02:28PM EDT - (No word on Poker Face)
02:28PM EDT - Photo face
02:27PM EDT - New timepieces
02:27PM EDT - WatchOS 2
02:27PM EDT - Kevin Lynch of Apple to now present new WatchOS
02:27PM EDT - (Watch OS 1.0: Osborned in 6 weeks)
02:26PM EDT - Give developers freedom, see what thye do
02:26PM EDT - Current apps are pretty reliant on the iPhone
02:26PM EDT - Bringing native apps to the watch
02:26PM EDT - WatchOS update
02:25PM EDT - (The fact that there's so much revenue in the iOS ecosystem is no small part of the reason there are so many happy developers here)
02:19PM EDT - Highlighting the progress of the App Store
02:19PM EDT - Video time
02:18PM EDT - Paid out $30B to developers
02:18PM EDT - (Angry Birds for every man, woman, and child, 13 times over)
02:17PM EDT - 100 billion app downloads
02:17PM EDT - App Store Update
02:17PM EDT - Apple banking hard on Swift across entire product lineup
02:16PM EDT - (Swift license wasn't mentioned, but Apple does have their own open source license type)
02:16PM EDT - )Apple still sells A5 devices, so they have to support A5 for a while longer)
02:15PM EDT - Will support all of the devices iOS 8 supported
02:15PM EDT - Final version in the fall
02:15PM EDT - Public beta of iOS 9 in July
02:15PM EDT - Developer beta today
02:15PM EDT - Compiler and standard libraries for iOS, OS X, and Linux
02:15PM EDT - (Seriously, it's really loud in here)
02:14PM EDT - (Developers go wild)
02:14PM EDT - Swift is going open source
02:14PM EDT - Want to eee 20 years of Swift
02:14PM EDT - Protocol extensions
02:13PM EDT - Whole Module Optimization
02:13PM EDT - Swift 2
02:13PM EDT - Next up: Swift
02:12PM EDT - CarPlay: adds support for apps by the automarker
02:12PM EDT - Can access HomeKit remotely via iCloud
02:12PM EDT - HomeKit: support for security systems, carbon monoxide sensors, etc
02:11PM EDT - Healthkit updated, new metrics
02:11PM EDT - ReplayKit: record and share video (ala NVIDIA ShadowPlay)
02:11PM EDT - App thinning to get app size down
02:10PM EDT - UI testing in Xcode
02:10PM EDT - Dev recap
02:10PM EDT - Recap time
02:10PM EDT - Lack of free space was a common issue on iOS 8 (espeially on most common 16GB SKUs)
02:10PM EDT - Need just 1.3GB of free space to get to iOS 9
02:09PM EDT - New OTA update changes
02:09PM EDT - Adds ~3 hours to battery life
02:09PM EDT - New low-power mode
02:08PM EDT - Seeing 1 hour increased battery life on iPhone
02:08PM EDT - Refocusing on battery life
02:08PM EDT - Core Graphics and Core Animation now Metal-ized on iOS as well
02:08PM EDT - Slideover supports A7 devices and newer
02:07PM EDT - Need iPad Air 2 for split-view
02:07PM EDT - Existing auto layout and size classes do most of the work
02:07PM EDT - Will be new developer APIs
02:06PM EDT - That's multitasking
02:06PM EDT - WatchESPN in a small window over
02:06PM EDT - Also new: picture-in-picture
02:05PM EDT - (2GB of RAM doesn't feel so big anymore)
02:05PM EDT - Slide the split over entirely to go back to monolithic
02:04PM EDT - Adjustable split
02:04PM EDT - Opening a new primary app keeps the seconday app on the side
02:03PM EDT - Multi-app, multi-touch
02:03PM EDT - Called Split View
02:03PM EDT - Safari next to notes, etc
02:03PM EDT - Side-by-side applications
02:03PM EDT - Very Aero-3D like
02:02PM EDT - New task switcher on iPad
02:02PM EDT - Demo time
02:02PM EDT - Multitasking
02:02PM EDT - Physical keyboard improvements. Shortcuts for app switching, guide that shows shortcuts, etc
02:01PM EDT - Showing using two-fingers to select, copy, and paste text
02:01PM EDT - Two fingers down can now be used as a trackpad
02:01PM EDT - Added new features to shortcut bar
02:00PM EDT - (not to be confused with Quicktime)
02:00PM EDT - Quicktype Keyboard
02:00PM EDT - Switching gears to iPad
02:00PM EDT - Rolling out in the US, UK, and Australia
01:59PM EDT - News will be open to anyone who wants to publish to it
01:59PM EDT - New York Times will give 30 free articles/day for News users
01:59PM EDT - Once again hammering home privacy
01:58PM EDT - That's News
01:58PM EDT - Continuing to demo form and eye candy of News
01:57PM EDT - Can search for topics. Example: Swift (Apple, not Taylor)
01:56PM EDT - News keeps track of over 1 million topics
01:56PM EDT - Not seeing any ads...
01:56PM EDT - ESPN. Photos and videos built in
01:55PM EDT - Animations as well
01:54PM EDT - Focuing on rich typography and images; form
01:54PM EDT - I'm told this is very similar to Flipboard
01:53PM EDT - (Sadly no AnandTech listed)
01:53PM EDT - Selecting her sources
01:53PM EDT - Demoing News
01:53PM EDT - Now on stage: Susan Prescott of Apple
01:52PM EDT - News content sourced from other sources, customized for the reader
01:52PM EDT - New app: News
01:51PM EDT - Transit can also tell you if Apple Pay is supported
01:51PM EDT - Sounds like a major push for Apple, especially in China
01:51PM EDT - Transit starting in major cities
01:51PM EDT - Siri knows transit
01:50PM EDT - Step-by-step directions, including walking and time for each step
01:49PM EDT - Buses, trains, & more
01:49PM EDT - New public transit map
01:49PM EDT - 3.5x higher usage than next-leading mapping app
01:49PM EDT - Up next: Maps
01:48PM EDT - Coming to all devices, iOS and Mac
01:48PM EDT - (Notes is increasingly turning into a full-fledged word processor)
01:47PM EDT - Formatting toolbar, checklists, pictures
01:47PM EDT - Notes has new features
01:47PM EDT - Now up: improvements to Apple's iOS 9 apps
01:46PM EDT - It is now Wallet
01:46PM EDT - Passbook is getting renamed
01:45PM EDT - Ability to add store loyalty cards
01:45PM EDT - New iOS 9 features for Apple Pay
01:45PM EDT - London transportation system will also support Apple Pay
01:45PM EDT - 250K locations in the UK
01:44PM EDT - Will support 70% of credit/debit cards in the UK
01:44PM EDT - Laucnhing with 8 banks
01:44PM EDT - Coming in July
01:44PM EDT - Apple Pay coming to the UK
01:43PM EDT - Now discussing Apply Pay support in apps
01:43PM EDT - 1 million locations supporting Apple Pay next month
01:42PM EDT - Square is lauching a new reader with Apple Pay support
01:42PM EDT - Apple Pay support at both NBA Finals arenas
01:42PM EDT - Including JC Penny's and Basin Robins
01:42PM EDT - Focusing on getting more merchants on-board
01:41PM EDT - Up next: Apple Pay
01:41PM EDT - Apple doesn't want to be in the business of selling info
01:40PM EDT - A shot across the bow of Google
01:40PM EDT - Anonymous, not associated with Apple ID, not linked to other Apple services, not shared with 3rd parties
01:40PM EDT - Privacy
01:40PM EDT - Reminder from Siri that it's time to leave
01:39PM EDT - "Show my karaoke photos of Eddie"
01:39PM EDT - Apple is increasingly in competition with Google here with searching and results
01:38PM EDT - Conversions in search
01:38PM EDT - Searching for potatos. Results from Yumly
01:37PM EDT - Siri is making suggestions based on location and what the presenter has been up to
01:37PM EDT - Now in kitchen
01:36PM EDT - Suggested music is high-energy for working out
01:36PM EDT - Scenario: plugging in headphones in home gym
01:35PM EDT - Showing new Siri features
01:34PM EDT - Demo time
01:34PM EDT - Applications can have system search include searching said apps, goes right to the app if you follow the result
01:34PM EDT - "Cards" for search results
01:33PM EDT - There is now an API for search
01:33PM EDT - Location-aware search and features
01:33PM EDT - Also discussing guessing at identies of unknown callers based on your activity
01:32PM EDT - A highly predictive system, basicly
01:32PM EDT - Audiobooks in the car, etc
01:32PM EDT - Example: launch Now Playing on the lock screen when headphones are in
01:31PM EDT - Bringing proactivity to the OS
01:31PM EDT - Location-aware reminders as well
01:31PM EDT - Reminder support
01:30PM EDT - New commands
01:30PM EDT - New Siri UI for IOS9
01:30PM EDT - 40% reduction in Siri word error rate. Overall error rate is down to 5%
01:30PM EDT - First theme: Intelligence & Siri
01:29PM EDT - Foundational update
01:29PM EDT - Talking about adoption rate. Usual barbs thrown at competitors
01:28PM EDT - Shifting gears to iOS
01:28PM EDT - RTM and free update in the fall
01:28PM EDT - Public beta in July
01:28PM EDT - El Capitan dev betay today
01:28PM EDT - Evan Autodesk is on-board
01:27PM EDT - Fortnite this fall
01:27PM EDT - No idea yet on what features are exposed on OS X Metal though; if they expose the full capabilities of Kepler/GCN hardware
01:26PM EDT - Going with Metal may get them moving more quickly, at the cost of being proprietary
01:26PM EDT - Apple has been one of OpeenGL's big supporters, but they have also been slow to support newer versions
01:25PM EDT - Now demoing Fortnite
01:25PM EDT - 70% reduction in CPU use versus OpenGL (no details provided)
01:25PM EDT - All real time of course
01:24PM EDT - 64 layers of rendering effects
01:24PM EDT - Fortnite running on Metal
01:23PM EDT - Now on stage to demo Metal: Epic Games
01:23PM EDT - Adobe is going to adopt Metal for Creative Cloud applications
01:23PM EDT - This is not unexpected, though I'm curious whether they will eventually support OpenGL Vulkan
01:22PM EDT - CoreGraphics and CoreAnimation will run on Metal
01:22PM EDT - Apple's low-level API is coming to the Mac
01:21PM EDT - Metal coming to OS X
01:21PM EDT - 4x PDF preview perf improvement
01:21PM EDT - Performance
01:20PM EDT - Recapping it all
01:20PM EDT - New notes app
01:20PM EDT - Back to spotlight
01:19PM EDT - Can change the ratio between halves
01:19PM EDT - Expose side-by-side windows. Aka Windows Snap
01:18PM EDT - Hiding/retrieving windows as well
01:18PM EDT - Windows within a full screen application
01:17PM EDT - Mission Control updates
01:17PM EDT - Next up: window management
01:16PM EDT - Also showing new spotlight mail
01:16PM EDT - Weather. Sports. Etc
01:16PM EDT - Using it to showcase Siri-like features
01:15PM EDT - Spotlight: using it
01:15PM EDT - Indicator to tell you which tab is playing audio
01:14PM EDT - Pinning sites in Safari
01:14PM EDT - New gestures. Swiping in mail
01:13PM EDT - Demo time
01:13PM EDT - OS X El Capitan
01:13PM EDT - Jokes about finding a new name
01:12PM EDT - Fastest adoption rate of any desktop OS ever
01:11PM EDT - Craig Federighi just came on stage
01:11PM EDT - OS X presentation time
01:11PM EDT - Tim Cook just announced native app support is coming to Apple Watch
01:10PM EDT - (Struggling with WiFI)
01:07PM EDT - The real Tim Cook has taken the stage. Talking about stats relating to WWDC attendees.
01:03PM EDT - Tim Cook look-alikes
01:02PM EDT - Intro video/skit with David LeGray
12:58PM EDT - However services are another story, especially with the iTunes Store
12:58PM EDT - Will we see new hardware? It's hard to say, but for WWDC, most likely not
12:55PM EDT - Traditinally Apple announces their next desktop and mobile OSes here. We're expecting the same here
12:51PM EDT - And with Apple's popularity it is now a huge event
12:51PM EDT - WWDC is of course Apple's annual developer conference
12:50PM EDT - WWDC is of course Apple's annual developer conference
12:48PM EDT - Ryan's on the keys, while Brandon is on the (virtual) camera
12:47PM EDT - We're here at Moscone West at Apple's 2015 WWDC keynote
View All Comments
tipoo - Monday, June 8, 2015 - link
Steveymoo - Monday, June 8, 2015 - link
*Makes jibe about not selling data* - *Starts talking about Apple pay straight after, a service that charges a commission on everything you buy.*Deelron - Monday, June 8, 2015 - link
One is payment processing, the other is personal data. If you can't tell the difference you might be tilting at windmills.Shadowmaster625 - Monday, June 8, 2015 - link
OpeenGL? Has someone been thinking too long or too hard about Tim Cook?kspirit - Monday, June 8, 2015 - link
Passbook is now Wallet and Wallet is now Google Pay.Not confusing at all.
TristanSDX - Monday, June 8, 2015 - link
No 8'K displays :(tipoo - Monday, June 8, 2015 - link
I'm wondering, since both OSX and iOS will now use Metal to accelerate built in apps, what will go on with older devices. Some of the iDevices that are compatible with iOS8 already can't use Metal (a5), I wonder if the same will be true with OSX 10.11 compatible macs.jwcalla - Monday, June 8, 2015 - link
<broken_record>The fracturing of the rendering APIs in the tech space is really disillusioning. As it is now Metal is an even more closed API than DirectX, since it is dependent on Apple's drivers (i.e., it's not implemented in the vendor drivers like DX is). It's politically-motivated. It's platform lock-in. It's depressing.
mmrezaie - Tuesday, June 9, 2015 - link
Don't worry it's just apple. If they actually do something open you should be - Tuesday, June 9, 2015 - link
You mean like making their programming language Swift open source?