What Else Can Tablets Do?

Not everyone needs a new imaginative outlet, but some might consider these tablets for other uses. By and large, they are most practical for artistic and creative purposes, but their usefulness doesn't stop there. Wacom's Graphire3 has a clever feature that helps out with Microsoft Office and Excel. While writing a document in Office, you can turn the pen over (eraser down) and drag it across a section of text you might want deleted. Once the text is highlighted, simply lifting the pen removes it. This feature also works in Excel; deleting cells by groups, rows, or columns can be done with the eraser. Overall, while this task is interesting, it might not be a huge time or energy saver. However, the pen does make it somewhat easier to highlight text than a mouse, and you remove an entire step of the deletion process when you don't have to click or hit delete. This feature will be even handier once handwriting recognition software improves, but don't throw your keyboard away just yet. Aiptek didn't really shine in the area of text editing or Excel. The functions of the HyperPen tablets don't really change those of our old friend, the mouse.

With the proper software, all of these tablets can be used for signature identification. Imagine signing your name instead of typing in a password to log onto a computer. At present, it's not a good idea to attempt these functions with Aiptek's Hyperpen 8000U, but the other two tablets could manage the tasks.

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  • AMD4ME2 - Sunday, December 7, 2003 - link

    cool.. I've wanted one for a long time... continue to explore this avenue.. I would like to see just how good the top of the line tablets all.... Oh and .. what kind of drugs were taken during the testing of these tablets.. cause that creature is "Jacked-Up Like a Soup Sandwich"
  • Adul - Sunday, December 7, 2003 - link

    You are close Virge ;) well it is soon-to-be
  • clevere1 - Sunday, December 7, 2003 - link

    You can also use tablets as a mouse replacement. I use the Intuos (I think it's the older brother of the Intuos2) for everything I do on the computer, except for 3D games like Quake and such.
  • ivwshane - Sunday, December 7, 2003 - link

    I do really hope for a mid level tablet review. I'm considering getting a tablet for casual use and to expand my artistic skills. After talking to an artist friend I got impression that any tablet will do but after this article it appears not to be the case. I would really like to have an accurate drawing tool but I don't know if it's worth the price difference to go with the intuos2 over the graphire3.

    Tablets have been around for a while and it's about time someone did a round up:D
  • Redviffer - Saturday, December 6, 2003 - link

    Wow, I didn't know Anand knew all those cool people. :)

    I think that at the prices (sub-$150), they are still a little pricey "just to have", that is unless you can really put this to good use. I know I'd actually like to get one, as I can see my kids really having a blast with drawings. I'll keep an eye out, as with all things, the prices will drop. Thanks for the article.
  • AgaBooga - Saturday, December 6, 2003 - link

    Same as #4
  • ViRGE - Saturday, December 6, 2003 - link

    Sorry to go off-topic, but I noticed the new author(Laura Wilson). I take it she's Derek's wife?
  • Doop - Saturday, December 6, 2003 - link

    I just bought a Wacom Intuos 2 (model up from graphire) as a Chrismas present for my graphic designing girlfriend, who currently draws then scans in line drawing then touches them up with a mouse in photoshop.

    I was a little worried that the pen wouldn't be accurate or sensitive enough for her to use comfortably, basically that it wouldn't live up to the hype.

    If the Graphire is that good (thanks for the review) then the Intuos 2 I bought should be totally sweet. She'll be so happy there'll be no picky remarks about my heavy drinking over the yule tide period. Nice.
  • AgaBooga - Saturday, December 6, 2003 - link

    Gaming isn't something tablets are designed for. I have one at home and they're really light, easy to draw on, and are very portable with long battery life. Those are the main selling points of a tablet IMO on top of the ability to write on them
  • Shalmanese - Saturday, December 6, 2003 - link

    Did you try gaming with the tablet?

    I don't know about 3d games but I imagine games like C&C might benifit enourmously from tablet use.

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