Business & Content Creation Performance

As we step into the realm of the real world we realize that higher bandwidth memory solutions are not necessary for simple business application tasks.  The range of scores here covers no more than 2.9 Winstone Marks, or about 5%.  Studies have shown that it’s very difficult to recognize anything less than a 10% difference in performance.  The standings make sense, but they’re not worth discussing since all of the platforms perform just fine.

More memory and a faster hard disk would have more of an impact in business applications than would switching platforms.

ZDM’s definition of Content Creation applications are also not very platform dependent either, with the range here covering almost 4%.  These are simple Photoshop, Dreamweaver and Internet tasks that are once again bottlenecked more by memory size and hard disk performance than anything else.

Memory Bandwidth & Latency - Cachemem Office Application & Content Creation Performance
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