Final Thoughts

There are multiple problems with the ASUS 8x8 (as well as Pioneer 107D, and NEC 2500A). Slow access times, slow CDR burn speeds, and lack of recalibration for unsanctioned media all come to mind. With the exception of access times, all of these specifications have been improved since the last ASUS DVD recorder, but they are out-paced by some of the other drives that we have reviewed.

The large downfall of the drive is, unfortunately, price. The ASUS 8x8 sells for around $130, while the Pioneer 107D retails for a few dollars less, but firmware releases for the Pioneer 107D are released faster. The near identical performing NEC 2500A retails for around $90. Recall in our introduction that all three of these drives are based on the same NEC chipset, although the NEC 2500A uses a slightly different pickup.

That being said, there are a lot of redeeming qualities about the ASUS 8x8 as well. The sacrifice of burn speed for media support is acceptable. Rebates on the drive should keep it priced fairly aggressively with the Pioneer 107D, so consider it as a possible substitution if the price is right.

Special Thanks to Sony and Verbatim for providing media for this review.

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  • TrogdorJW - Tuesday, April 27, 2004 - link

    Let's not forget #5 that Blu Ray discs won't be readable in standard DVD players either, right? Might as well go buy one of those new Sony drives that cost $2500 to $3000 and store an amazing 37 GB or some such of data. And they "only" cost $45 per cartridge. Gee... $80 GB hard drives only cost about $70 and are much faster. Get some hot-swap setup, and these cartridge optical discs are destined for the scrap heap of history.

    And WTF is up with my login password not sticking!? Stupid LAN admins....
  • KristopherKubicki - Monday, April 26, 2004 - link

    Yeah, it should be published in the next couple days.

  • LeftSide - Friday, April 23, 2004 - link

    I think anandtech needs to redo the review on the nu tech 81. They have released the new firmware that alows the buner to burn on dvd-r's.
  • Ian@CDRlabs - Wednesday, April 21, 2004 - link

    Blu-Ray? You're either very rich or you're willing to wait a few years until the technology becomes affordable.
  • PrinceGaz - Tuesday, April 20, 2004 - link

    I'm looking to buy a DVD burner very soon as software is increasingly being released on DVD instead of (or as well as) CD. Splitting multi-gig image-files across several CDs isn't the most elegant solution.

    From what I've read on (which despite how their url might sound is really a very fine site specialising in optical storage), the NEC ND-2500A and Pioneer DVR-107D are the best drives currently available that lots of people have tested with a wide variety of media, and they both have strengths and weaknesses. I'm seriously tempted to go with the NEC ND-2500A given its low price and generally excellent reports on burn quality which is the whole reason for having a DVD burner (the less than stellar read performance with damaged media isn't so important to me).

    Is the new 8x DVD burner round-up almost finished?

    Eeek, I've just checked prices and seen that CD readers are less than £13, and CD burners around £21. Theres even a 4x DVD burner coming in at as little as £50. Those prices are crazy! Has the bottom totally dropped out of the optical storage market?
  • SUOrangeman - Tuesday, April 20, 2004 - link

    I think any "waste" of money on current DVD burner must be weighted against the actual cost(s). For instance, if someone was running a special on this Asus drive for, say, $60, is that really as much of a "waste" as buying it for $120? Is it even a waste at all for $60?

  • araczynski - Tuesday, April 20, 2004 - link

    i think anyone with half a brain would have not waste any money on any DVD burner since the bluerays are just around the corner.

    besides, the name of the game is consumables, not the drive, they all use the same components from the same sources. just like printers.
  • spyhalfer - Tuesday, April 20, 2004 - link

    not much info imho, who cares about the 0.01 difference in speed?
    error checking tests, with different media, would had been nice

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