Original Link: https://www.anandtech.com/show/4865/star-wars-the-old-republic-dated-and-priced

Concrete details on the release of BioWare’s Star Wars MMO have finally surfaced. Star Wars: The Old Republic will release in North America on December 20 and Europe on December 22.

The announcement also illuminated the game’s pricing structure. Simply purchasing the game ($59.99) will net you a 30-day subscription. After that, you have several subscription options, similar to those in World of Warcraft. A one-month subscription will cost $14.99, with three-month ($42) and six-month ($78) subscriptions offering slight discounts.

BioWare’s pedigree and its successful history with the Star Wars license (Knights of the Old Republic) could drive sales this December. But with so many big, licensed MMOs going free-to-play (DC Universe Online, Star Trek Online), it will be interesting to see how long The Old Republic’s subscription model lasts.

Source: BioWare

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