External Design

SilverStone Technology has taken a different path in designing the look of the TJ05. The TJ03 Nimiz, as well as the 4 previous models in the Temjin line, had a boxy look with straight lines everywhere. The designers at SilverStone veered away from this and added curves to the design of the TJ05's bezel.

Click to enlarge.

The top half of the bezel is taken up by the door to the drive bays. This door is what gives the TJ05 its curvaceous look with its convex shape. It was mentioned to us by SilverStone Technology that this was their original design. We have seen this look on the Cooler Master's Wave Master because it was created by the same designer. A small, black arrow graphic (silver model) shows what side the door opens to reduce any confusion.

Click to enlarge.

Behind the door reside the four 5-1/4" drive bays and two external 3-1/2" drive bays. All are covered with matching silver bay covers to carry on the look of the brushed aluminum bezel.

Click to enlarge.

The bottom half of the bezel, which also has a rounded convex shape, is composed of the integrated LCD temperature display, the power and reset buttons, and the power and HDD activity LEDs all in vertical alignment.

Click to enlarge.


The LCD temperature display is one of the simplest, yet most functional, that we have seen in a fully integrated design. Among its features is a date/time display mode, which can be set using the two functional buttons to the left of the display.

The LCD display also shows temperatures for 3 separate components using individual sensors labeled CPU, SYS, and HDD. The alarm function is factory set at 65 degrees Celsius, but can be changed to a custom temperature, again using the two functional buttons. In addition to the alarm mode, the LCD temperature controller adjusts fan speeds automatically depending on temperatures of various components, which is an amazing feature. This gives the TJ05 preventative features to avoid potential hardware damage.

Click to enlarge.

Another feature of the display is the power and HDD activity readout, which functions in the same way the traditional power and HDD activity LEDs do.

Moving on, the power and reset buttons are placed below the LCD temperature display. We noticed that SilverStone has improved these buttons so that they don't stick anymore. In the TJ03 model, the buttons were mounted behind a door, so when pressed, they stuck behind the thin aluminum. In the TJ05, SilverStone designed a deeper tunnel for the buttons in which to slide back and forth, eliminating the sticking problem.

Click to enlarge.

Below the buttons are the power and HDD activity LEDs. They are bright enough to be seen as they were in the TJ03.

Index External Design (cont.)
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  • jm0ris0n - Wednesday, August 25, 2004 - link

    This case is a rip-off of the coolermaster Wave series. http://www.coolermaster.com/index.php?LT=&Lang...
  • Zepper - Wednesday, August 25, 2004 - link

    How close does the CONCAVE door come to the front of the 5" bay filler plates? Would it impinge on the use of Mobile Drive Racks, hot-swap cages, or mounting an optical drive like the MSI X52 (retail version) which all protrude a bit from that when mounted properly?
    . The reviewer should keep an eye to these practical matters without letting glandular secretions due to the enticements of swoopy aluminum color their thinking process ;) .
    . Nobody really cares what their case is made of unless they spend all their time lugging it around - which no one is likely to do with a case of this size. If it's built well and doesn't look like the cat puked on it, we're happy. In fact, I prefer a steel chassis as it is less prone to noise transfer than Al.
    . I too am desirous of a Berserker as linked above by johnsonx - a lot of case for the $$$. newegg also sells the front panel I/O option for it at ~$13...

  • ryang - Wednesday, August 25, 2004 - link

    "This is a review of the TJ05, which does not have a removeable tray, apparently, while the TJ03 does."

    oh. Oops

    Uhh.. No. The TJ03 is a god ugly chassis (http://www.silverstonetek.com/images/photo/tj03/Pp...

    This is a review of a TJ05, with the reviewer clearly getting confused.

    And re: fan size vs. cfm vs. db. On average, a 120mm fan will flow 2x the amount a 80mm will flow at the same RPM, whilst generating slightly more noise. Hence you can happily run a 120mm fan on 5v and still get decent airflow. =)
  • JustAnAverageGuy - Wednesday, August 25, 2004 - link

    "This is a review of the TJ05, which does not have a removeable tray, apparently, while the TJ03 does."

    oh. Oops
  • johnsonx - Wednesday, August 25, 2004 - link

    I've been looking at these Silverstone cases myself; Newegg has a nice selection. I note that there is a version of the reviewed case without the front panel display for $20 less:


    Silverstone also has some cheaper cases with many similar features; I'm considering the cheapest one on NewEgg for a server re-build project.

  • Schnook121 - Wednesday, August 25, 2004 - link

    damn i really like this case. Any idea where i can get one for cheap?? lol
  • ciwell - Wednesday, August 25, 2004 - link

    Next case to review: Thermaltake Tsunami. ;)
  • SUOrangeman - Wednesday, August 25, 2004 - link

    Cooler Master Stacker
  • Modal - Wednesday, August 25, 2004 - link

    ""The TJ03 Nimiz was a monstrous product that had great features, such as a sliding removable motherboard tray, a seemingly endless potential for expandability,"[/i]

    [i] "The Bad
    - No removable motherboard tray

    ? "

    This is a review of the TJ05, which does not have a removeable tray, apparently, while the TJ03 does.
  • masher - Wednesday, August 25, 2004 - link

    One other question..why is the reviewer "disappointed" in the sound figures for the case? Did he expect it to be quieter than a case with 80mm fans?

    News flash-- larger fans are louder than smaller ones...at the same rpm. They're quieter at moving the same volume of air, but plug a 12cm and an 8cm fan into the same 12v supply, and the larger fan will be louder.

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