2.8E vs 2.8C: DirectX 8/Open GL Gaming Performance

After our disappointing results with Prescott in earlier testing, we were extremely skeptical about ATI's claim that RS350 performed best with Prescott. You can see for yourself that ATI wasn't kidding. Across the board in OpenGL games like Quake 3 and DirectX 8 games like X2, Comanche 4, and Unreal Tournament 2003, Prescott is the faster processor on the ATI chipset.
While the results are clear enough - 875 is faster with Northwood and RS350 is fastest with Prescott - we were frankly surprised that tweaking for Prescott could make this much difference in performance. Prescott on the RS350 is at least the equal of Northwood, and most times it is faster. The 875 shows the exact reverse of this pattern.
Certainly, the larger implications are that we can expect chipsets designed primarily to work with Prescott to perform better compared to Northwood than current Intel platform chipsets.
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araczynski - Monday, May 3, 2004 - link
Who that comes to this site give a flying f*ck about integrated graphics?? Whether you're comparing a Yugo GV or a Yugo GVX, ITS STILL A FRICKING YUGO!!!where are the x800 bencharks?? that's what we care about.
Regs - Monday, May 3, 2004 - link
To bad the 2.8 Prescott's are worthless considering how they hardly out shine their Northwood counter parts. But it's interesting to see how a Prescott tweaked mobo performed.Marsumane - Monday, May 3, 2004 - link
Integrated graphics that still suck!Although they are just like the comparison between the 9800xt and the 6800u. 2x as fast)
MAME - Monday, May 3, 2004 - link
nVidia -> King of AthlonXPsATI -> King of Prescotts