The Evolution of the Web Server

Web servers have evolved over the years from the traditional static delivery model to the dynamic model common to present web architecture. The static model was basically static text files with all of the web content pre-authored and ready for client delivery. Today, most web architectures are much more complex.

Present architecture usually consists of a web server, application server and a back-end database server. In most cases, the application server resides on the same physical machine as the web server (two-tier architecture), but in some cases, the Application server resides on its own physical machine (three-tier architecture). The web server’s job is to deliver the content that is generated by the application server to the client. The application server either interprets code or executes compiled code written by the developer and hands it off to the web server for client delivery. As you can guess, the web architecture of today is much more strenuous on hardware as it has to actually work to deliver web content to the client instead of just spitting out HTML files.

There are numerous application servers used in today’s web applications. AnandTech uses Macromedia ColdFusion MX, which is simply a language that runs on top of a J2EE server (Macromedia JRUN in our case). J2EE is a Java based runtime platform that Sun Microsystems created, which allows developers to create enterprise level applications and deploy those applications on a standards based platform. Because of our familiarity and the fact that J2EE is a popular industry standard application server, we chose it for our web tests.

AnandTech Web Tests The Web Application Server Test Environment
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  • Pandaren - Wednesday, December 17, 2003 - link

    cramitpal, speaking as an advocate of the k8 architecture, I have to say that you are acting like an asshat. cut the holy jihad crap and jerry falwell flaming - frankly you sound like a Steve Jobs worshiper or a Linux-happy script kiddie.

    k8 is a nice architecture for servers. it has been clear to me for some time that intel designed netburst for multimedia applications, and this emphasis has hurt netburst Xeons ever since the days of the Willamette (anyone remember the Willamette based Xeons getting matched or beaten by Pentium III based Xeons?)
  • PaperclipGod - Wednesday, December 17, 2003 - link

    I really enjoyed this article. Very well written. Looking forward to the Itanium 2 comparison.
  • CRAMITPAL - Wednesday, December 17, 2003 - link

    What a humbling experience for Intel... Results mirror other website tests of the latest and greatest Xeon w/L3 cache. AMD just HAMMERS Intel's Xeon into the ground.

    You would think Intel would be anxious to provide a 2P Itanic for comparison, wouldn't you??? Do you think Intel is afraid enterprise will realize that Opteron can provide Itanic 64-bit performance, and superior 32-bit performance for tens of thousands less??? The clowns in Satan Clara must STILL think the World is full of sheep! This review should make the Intel fanboys go POSTAL again.

    SOS same dumbass Intel fanboys. Maybe these confused fanboys are actually Intel SpinMeisters looking to keep their jobs as Intel's sales and market share diminish???

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