
The Dell Inspiron 8600 was a delight to use, as it performed great as a mobile multimedia notebook. Its size, however, make it inconvenient to make it an on-the-go solution. For those who don't mind the weight, it will come up to par with what Apple can offer. To be honest, we were very tempted to tote this along with us to watch movies on our business trips.

As a matter of target marketing, the 8600 hits two-fold: mainstream desktop replacement and as a high-end mobile notebook. Due to its weight that is just shy of 7+ pounds, the 8600 falls well into the desktop replacement class, but due to the use of Centrino parts, it can classify as a high-end mobile notebook. In Dell's press release, it states, “The Inspiron 8600… offers features for those who play video games, enjoy digital entertainment and edit video… enables increased productivity with side-by-side display of documents and Web content.” This shows Dell's willingness to market to both personal and business users. Either way, the 8600 is a far cry from being a ultraportable, and for those looking for one, we would suggest other solutions (like the IBM X31).

Purely as a performance notebook, the 8600 will have mixed results, depending on its use. For gamers, the NVIDIA GeForceFX Go5650 will perform fine in DX8 titles, but for the moment, it will not give competitive frame per second ranges in DX9 titles (at least in the scenarios we tested). For multimedia enthusiasts, this will give the range of performance and mobility needed for digital entertainment and editing video. As for business users, the ability to view documents side-by-side is a great feature that can be used to negate the need for two monitors. Just take a look at the screenshot below, which shows the 8600 in native WUXGA (1920x1200). This ability alone is something that we can't get enough of because it did increase our own productivity in browsing and writing.

Click to enlarge.

The mixed results we mentioned earlier come from the lack of performance when paired to Mobility Radeon 9600 based notebooks. VoodooPC's Envy 460 and other thin and light notebooks that use the Mobility Radeon 9600 may take some steam off of Dell's Inspiron 8600 for those looking for the cutting edge when it comes to mobile gaming. As for business and multimedia users, the Inspiron 8600 certainly has shined its stuff.

So far, we have no word from Dell when it comes to the use of Mobility Radeon 9600 on their notebooks. We have already passed word along that this combination has shown interest by our readers, and we are sure they are investigating this possibility. Dell doesn't seem to be treading too lightly on the DX9 scene, since they were sponsoring the ATI event at Alcatraz; we do expect to see Dell continue to use mobile ATI graphic processing parts in the future. Right now, we are still waiting to hear more about NVIDIA's next generation of mobile graphics parts, specifically NV36M. NV38 seems more promising than its predecessor, which leaves us curious about the mobile side...

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  • Andrew Ku - Saturday, October 11, 2003 - link

    Hey bud :), I don't recall 386 processors in notebooks that used sockets... In fact, only recently have notebooks on such a wide scale used molex socket designs to house processors, and this is more for the ease of scalability and or the need to use desktop components. Remember that when you are talking about the mobile side of pcs, often times it becomes an entirely different ball park than when compared to the desktop side.

    Btw, if you are refering to the use of "molex," it is a technically correct term. Additionally, we did not write "molex connectors." If you read page 4, you will see that we instead wrote "molex socket."
  • Anonymous User - Saturday, October 11, 2003 - link

    I just wonder when CPU's went from using sockets ," as they have done since the 386" , to using molex connectors as refered to in the article , should technical writers proof read more ????

  • Anonymous User - Friday, October 10, 2003 - link

    The 7200 rpm uses less power if used over time..indicated by the write wattage.
    Here's a quick comparison of wattage use from the previous 60GB/5400 rpm model vs the 7K60/7200 rpm model:

    60GB/5400 RPM vs 60GB/7200 RPM:
    Max (startup/spinup) - 5W vs 5.5W
    Seek (avg): 2.6W for both
    Read (avg): 2.5W for both
    Write (avg): 2.7W vs 2.5W
    (7K60 slightly lower)
    Performance idle (avg): 2.0W for both
    Active idle (avg): 1.3W for both
    Sleep: 0.1W for both
  • Anonymous User - Friday, October 10, 2003 - link

    well if you guys are looking for m10's in laptops you can try looking here:

    you can also try, they have the same laptops as some of the ones on the ati site but a little cheaper i think (plus there's one that has an option for a 2x dvd-rw drive and a built in tv tuner :) (that's if you're willing to dish out upwards in about $3000US for it
  • Anonymous User - Friday, October 10, 2003 - link

    # 4 If you want quality settings like FSAA & Aniso the ATI is much..much.. better.
    Also 2D graphics quality is on the ATI A LOT better!!
  • Anonymous User - Thursday, October 9, 2003 - link

    He meant for a monitor only, read more carfully
  • Anonymous User - Thursday, October 9, 2003 - link

    # 2 try 2300.00 w/out a M10
  • Anonymous User - Thursday, October 9, 2003 - link

    Actually they are not nearley that expensive for the 17" wide screens. Samsung has one of the best, the 172w.

    Well, I have a 8600 on the way, wont ship until early november because dell claims the 1920x1200 screens will not be in until OCt 28.
  • Anonymous User - Thursday, October 9, 2003 - link

    I totally agree on the fact that Dell should offer a notebook with the Ati M10(p) !!!
    ...I live in Belgium ( Europe ) an dcannot find a "known" brand with an ATI M10(p) offer...
  • Anonymous User - Thursday, October 9, 2003 - link

    Yes there out there but pricey, a 17" $700 -800 on up...

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